Another government shutdown is looming Friday, and local head start leaders fear the program’s financial future could be on ...
Head Start emphasizes the role of parents as their child's first teacher and assists families in achieving their goals for education, employment, and housing by providing links to other community ...
Early Head Start is a comprehensive child development program serving poverty-level pregnant women and families with children aged 0-3. The home visiting program consists of one 1-1/2 hour home visit ...
The St. Mark’s Academy serves 90 preschoolers and 27 infant toddlers across five Head Start classrooms, with 83 more children awaiting services. The post Gary Parents Depend on Head Start.
When Sullivan learned about Head Start, she had just moved from California to Maine with her husband, who was working ...
GARY, Ind. (WLS) -- A federal freeze to Head Start programs disrupted the lives of local families that depend on them. Now that the funding has resumed, some parents in Northwest Indiana want to ...