The Supplemental Security Income check for March will be sent to eligible recipients in one day, with the payments being ...
The Social Security Administration is sending out retroactive payments right now, thanks to the Social Security Fairness Act.
SSA officials were weighing eliminating telephone support for claims processing and direct-deposit account transactions.
Some American retirees will receive an extra Social Security payment in November due to a scheduling quirk involving the payment schedule of SSI payments to beneficiaries. Social ...
Supplemental Security Income beneficiaries won't receive a check during the month of March. We'll explain why.
A recent press release from the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) noted that government imposters had scammed Americans ...
Billionaire Elon Musk has said there is widespread fraud taking place in the payment of "federal entitlements" like Social ...
The payments for June, September, and November, will be issued earlier than the first of those respective months to ensure recipients have their SSI payments by the start of those months.