DEADLINE: Outside of the Will Smith slap of Chris Rock, the craziest modern Oscar moment was La La Land being called for Best ...
One XM television commercial from 2002 boasted a “revolutionary new kind of radio that delivers more choice, better sound and coast-to-coast coverage.” After a satellite flashes across outer space, ...
I get videos all the time about 12 olds and eight year olds playing Bob Dylan vinyl records…there’s a little ripple of culture change that Timmy and Jim, Monica Barbaro, Edward Norton ...
Andrea Black started collecting records when she was 16. “I grew up in Perth and every Saturday my friends and I would go to ...
Drop to Pop joins City Records and Invincible Vinyl, as well as brand new storefronts from Denver ... albums and live LPs — not only from heritage acts like U2 and Bob Dylan, but also pop queens like ...
“I like to find records that came from the city I’m travelling ... A few years ago we hired Big Pink, the house in Woodstock, New York, where Bob Dylan and The Band recorded The Basement ...
"Cool moment that just happened," said MGK in a video response to Dylan's post of him freestyling in an Orlando record store ...