Then-premier Dalton McGuinty said it was intended to provide some relief from the hectic, just-in-time lifestyle of jobs, commuting, and all the activities of child-rearing that so many families ...
Make it 13 election wins in a row for the Liberals in Ottawa South as CBC projects a return for John Fraser. The riding ...
The former Ontario premier took over from a once popular predecessor and, using the same playbook, ran the province further ...
Way to go Mr. Poliacik. You hit former Premier Dalton McGuinty right where he needed it. It is so wrong to give large corporations low taxes when their CEO’s make $200, $300 and $400 thousand a year.
McGuinty remains remarkably free of the what-did-you-know-and-when questions other pols would face under the circumstances. It’s as if no one can believe he could have a part in it.
With advance voting done and mail voting applications closed, voting is still possible at local election offices until Wednesday at 6 p.m. Voting day is Thursday, with polls open from 9 a.m. until 9 p ...