The Mayor of Daytona Beach posted on Facebook that Bike Week attendance and spending was down this year. But many businesses said the opposite.
Koji Burger is offering lunch and dinner service Saturday, March 15 in Dayton’s Fire Blocks District.
The Dayton Flyers have a long, sad history in the Atlantic 10 Conference tournament — with a few exceptions. They hope to write happier chapter this season.
While most Main Street merchants were upbeat about worldwide business from the event, it fell short of others' expectations.
Hotels ranked on industry awards, guest reviews and hotel class ratings Unbiased content created by U.S. News editors Photo ...
A local group is helping those human trafficking victims in the Miami Valley one bar of soap at a time. The First Four games ...
Whatever direction you want to travel, north, south, east or west, here are some great Florida spring break options to ...
More than 50 students from across the Miami Valley will compete in a regional spelling bee Friday at Wright State. The winner of the Wright State University Regional Spelling ...