The FEMA Future Risk Index projected economic losses from disasters like wildfires and floods. It was recently removed from ...
The Earth is absorbing more sunlight and trapping more heat than it releases into space, causing our planet to warm up at an ...
Around the world, the impacts of global warming are already ... agricultural productivity and the overall economy.” Climate change also exposes people to greater health risks.
The WECLIMA group studies relationships between regionally impactful weather extremes and large-scale climate variability and change. We also collaborate across disciplines to study impacts on public ...
exacerbating the effects of climate change. This is known as the ice-albedo feedback. Surface temperatures in the Arctic Ocean are warming more rapidly than anywhere else on the planet. The Arctic ice ...
Her focus is reporting on the climate ... flood watch will go into effect at 10 p.m. local time on Wednesday night. It will expire by 10 p.m. Saturday. The last map outlined areas included ...