Brazil's government bonds could become an "oasis" for some investors, particularly as global trade tensions fester.
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has chosen the head of his Workers Party, Gleisi Hoffmann, to serve as ...
BRASILIA - Brazil's latest cabinet shuffle has left Finance Minister Fernando Haddad with no strong supporters in President ...
O presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva demitiu nesta terça-feira a ministro da Saúde, Nísia Trindade, e a substituiu pelo ...
Economic indicators are pointing toward a record harvest in Brazil this year, welcome relief for consumers grappling with ...
Os indicadores econômicos já apontam para uma colheita recorde no Brasil este ano, um alívio bem-vindo para os consumidores ...
Support for Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has dipped sharply and now trail his disapproval rating, a CNT/MDA ...
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva dismissed Nisia Trindade as health minister, tapping Alexandre Padilha for the ...
By telling the true story of Eunice Paiva, the Oscar-nominated film has renewed pressure to address Brazil’s past.
Brazil’s state-controlled oil company Petrobras plunged after it reported a surprise fourth-quarter loss and announced ...
BRASILIA, Feb 25 (Reuters) - Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva dismissed Nisia Trindade as health minister, tapping Alexandre Padilha for the job, a statement from the presidential ...