Russian Telegram channels showed pictures of special forces in gas masks and lights, some using colourful Russian curses, ...
Lithuanian intelligence has reported that pro-Kremlin forces engaged the highest possible number of pro-Russian voters during ...
Once turned away from the bloc, the European Union may return to Türkiye for defense needs amid tensions with the U.S. and Russia, years after the ...
The conflict in Ukraine is a concerted attack by Putin against the West. And it is a war increasingly aided and abetted by ...
Trump may have just pissed away his dream of getting a Nobel Peace Prize, something he desperately wants and seemingly viewed ...
“President Trump approaches diplomacy and engages in a very transactional manner, with economics as the foundation and ...
The ulterior motives of the United States to use Ukraine as a proxy to force a regime change in Russia were unveiled once former US President Joe Biden, at the beginning of Russia's invasion, put Kyiv ...
NATO's Provocative Drone Strikes Raise Concerns** Tensions in Eastern Europe have spiked following a recent missile attack executed by Ukraine, which targ ...
Tyler Dawson’s article about the War of 1812 provides a game plan for the country going forward. Dawson articulates that ...
Trump has pulled the rug out from under NATO and Ukraine, positioning French president Emmanuel Macron as the Free World’s ...
The Trump Administration has not included Ukraine in peace talks, much like Hitler did to Czechoslovakia in the 1930s.
Non-stop news out of Washington, D.C., has led to an inbox full of Ozarks opinions. Here's this week's oversized batch of ...