Barbara Capitman and the members of the Miami Design Preservation League dug in their heels to save the aging hotels on Ocean Drive.
Coastal erosion is eating away at shores all over the world, forcing residents and wildlife to flee and putting lives at risk. These shocking photos show the extent around the world.
Meiner is introducing city legislation that seeks to terminate the lease agreement with the cinema, which rents space from ...
Together, we got to experience great staff, amenities and dining— added to the joy of simply being in each other’s company.
An Oscar-winning movie has become the center of a film fight brewing in Miami Beach pitting the city’s mayor against<a class="excerpt-read-more" href=" More ...
A “bright and inviting” cardinal mural welcomes patrons into this gutted-and-refurbished Virginia Beach restaurant set to open with live music soon.
Authorities have ramped up their efforts by air, sea and land to track down the 20-year-old University of Pittsburgh student ...
The $48 million listing is on celebrity-favored Star Island, where a home recently sold for a record $120 million ...
In her 38 seasons as a women’s college basketball coach, Stephanie Gaitley has seen a lot of madness in March.