Non ci sono più fedeli e il parroco di Collio don Battista Dassa è costretto a chiudere a doppia mandata il portone il sabato sera. Infatti la carenza di cattolici sta portando a poco a poco a ...
A bill to redraw the Indiana-Illinois border received initial approval Monday in an Indiana House committee, but the discussion opened up a Pandora’s box, with some of its Illinois supporters ...
Il centro migranti ospitato nell’ex albergo ... era emerso finché la gravidanza era stata evidente. La sindaca di Collio, Mirella Zanini, appreso l’accaduto, aveva immediatamente chiesto ...
Collio dice addio al centro d’accoglienza profughi ... Una decisione presa ancora a settembre, prima di quello che è accaduto il mese dopo» spiega Ghidoni. Nell’ottobre scorso una bambina ...
Some departments in Illinois have missed out on $1.88 billion in federal funds since late January, when that office directed federal agencies to "temporarily pause" certain financial assistance.
Scott Applewhite/AP Michael Madigan, the longest-serving state House speaker in Illinois history, was found guilty Wednesday on 10 counts of federal corruption, including bribery. The jury said ...
Among the Illinois-based programs affected by Trump’s order to halt funding for the U.S. Agency for International Development, or USAID, and other foreign aid programs are a lab at the ...
House Speaker Todd Huston, R-Fishers, appears to be entirely serious about his idea for Indiana to negotiate with Illinois about the Hoosier State absorbing up to 33 Illinois counties whose voters ...
Coolio was inspired by the struggles of inner-city life and wanted to reflect the harsh realities many people face daily. The song’s deep lyrics, powerful message, and strong emotional impact ...