The city of Marquette has a sewer force main on Granite Avenue that broke and leaked to the road surface. An estimated 100 hundred gallons of sewage leaked to the surface and pooled up on the road.
As warm air builds across Michigan this week, two northern Michigan cities have already seen records tied or broken.
Tia Trudgeon and Molly Birch move around Washington and Third Streets feature some of the deals you’ll find this week.
MARQUETTE, MI— The City of Marquette is buying another waterfront safety warning tower. At a meeting Monday night, the ...
(WLUC) - TV6 first reported on Michigan House Bill 4007 of 2025 in ... Board of Light and Power is still paying off. The Marquette City Commission unanimously resolved to support the bill at ...
A lot can happen in a year. Just ask the Marquette and Traverse City West high school boys basketball teams. Last season, TC ...
MARQUETTE, MI - The Upper Peninsula just got socked with an early spring snowstorm and it was one of those events where the snow just kept falling ... and falling. But across one stretch of the U ...