Ukrainian soldiers say there needs to be compromises on both the US and Ukraine's parts to bring about a possible end to the ...
Regional authorities said on Sunday that at least two people had been killed by Russian strikes. Several others were injured.
European officials continue to express their solidarity with Ukraine after a highly tense meeting between Trump and Zelenskyy ...
Iran’s parliament on Sunday impeached the finance minister and voted to remove him from office after the rial plummeted to ...
Israel said on Sunday it is stopping the entry of all goods and supplies into the Gaza Strip, but it was not immediately ...
The pontiff's condition remains stable and he has no fever. Sunday's Angelus Prayer has been broadcast and but it was not ...
اسلواکی روز شنبه یکم مارس (۱۱ اسفند ۱۴۰۳) اعلام کرد که دیگر به اوکراین کمک‌های نظامی و مالی ارائه نخواهد کرد. این در حالی است ...
A +100 kg-osok között az orosz Denisz Batcsajev taktikus csatában legyőzte honfitársát, Valerij Endovickijt, és ezzel ...
En una cumbre celebrada en Londres, los líderes europeos, Canadá y Turquía se comprometieron a mantener el apoyo militar a ...
As autoridades regionais afirmaram no domingo que pelo menos duas pessoas tinham sido mortas pelos ataques russos. Várias ...
Mientras Basilea se prepara para acoger el Festival de Eurovisión de 2025, se acaba de desvelar la mascota que representará a ...
Zwei Tage nach dem Eklat zwischen dem ukrainischen und dem US-Präsidenten haben bei einem Gipfeltreffen in London die Staats- ...