Während sich also Urlauber am Heimweg aus dem Süden am Weg durch Salzburg im Stau in Geduld üben müssen, ist folglich auch ...
The 33-year-old had his side window open during the accident, which caused splintered parts from the other car to be thrown ...
Amazon-Gründer Jeff Bezos sorgt derzeit für Schmunzeln unter Amazon-Nutzern, nachdem er auf der Plattform eine begeisterte ...
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is currently making Amazon users smile after he left an enthusiastic review for his fiancée Lauren ...
The big clean-up after the flood of the century is in full swing. Excavators are removing trees and mud, pumps are running at ...
In Austria, more than twice as many kilometers per person are travelled by train, streetcar and subway than the EU average.
The request from FIA boss Mohammed ben Sulayem to please stop swearing on the radio has caused quite a stir in the paddock.
Jahrhundert-Kicker und „Krone“-Kolumnist Herbert Prohaska lädt ins Tivoli Center im Böhmischen Prater. Zu Gunsten der ...
Century kicker and "Krone" columnist Herbert Prohaska invites you to the Tivoli Center in the Bohemian Prater. In aid of ...
Ein mutmaßlicher Islamist hat am Donnerstagabend wahllos auf Passanten eingestochen, ein Opfer wurde getötet, ein weiteres ...
A suspected Islamist stabbed passers-by indiscriminately on Thursday evening, killing one victim and seriously injuring ...
To a certain extent, politics can be divided into an age before and after social media. Social media has completely changed ...