Legal literacy involves awareness and understanding of laws, legal rights, and how the legal system functions, empowering citizens to seek justice and understand their rights. Recent reforms in the ...
In a developing country like India, the objectives of legal education are manifold. Legal education should furnish the skills and competence for creating and maintaining a just society. It plays a ...
What is the Discussion Method? The discussion method, sometimes referred to as the Socratic Method, utilizes conversation or debate on a specific topic to stimulate thinking, challenge beliefs, and ...
Case law, also known as judicial precedent, is a critical component of the legal system. It comprises laws established through judges' decisions, evolving as judges interpret and apply existing laws ...
This Court has carefully gone through the permit which is. on record and the National Permit is certainly valid up to. 13.10.2017. The authorization fee was required to be paid on ...
justice is superior and not the principles of law. Law is only a support system to be used to reach justice. Therefore, justice can be said to be dependent on law but is not the same as law. Justice ...
Preamble: The Preamble of the Indian Constitution emphasizes securing social, economic, and political justice to ensure equality for all citizens. This aligns with Rawls' theory, which aims to ...
The Supreme Court has noted that the intention of a constitution is to outline principles rather than specific details. This allows for flexibility in interpretation, enabling the constitution to ...
3. Whether a marriage performed according to customary rites and ceremonies, without strictly fulfilling the requisites of Section 7 (1) of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, or any other personal law ...
Since hospital records are neither conclusive of rights nor are instruments as between parties, this Court is of the opinion that the argument that PW 19's oral evidence contradicts hospital records, ...
20. Insofar as the present case is concerned, since the Sessions Judge has not awarded any victim compensation to the second Respondent, we request the High Court to consider the case for the purpose ...
It cannot be denied that when a Police officer effects arrest pursuant to the power conferred on him by Cr.P.C, he is carrying out a public duty. The matter is not between the official effecting ...