This course gives a basic introduction to machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). Through an algorithmic approach, the students are given a practical understanding of the methods being ...
The course focuses on current understanding of the structure and function of eukaryotic transcription factors. The aim of the first general part is to give the student an understanding of the main ...
Computer vision is the study of how a machine, such as an unmanned system, can interpret and understand its surrounding environment using visual data such as images and video. This course will give an ...
The course covers methods for analysis of digital signals in noise. Examples of topics are description of stochastic signals in time and frequency domain, modeling of signals, estimation, detection, ...
Refugee and Asylum Law addresses forced migration and the role of law in determining the need for international protection within determination proceedings. Students will study the 1951 Convention on ...
This course introduces students to the international legal norms relevant to addressing climate change and its adverse impacts. These norms are found in the (1) UN climate regime, (2) other ...
Financial Markets Law and Regulation matters to us all. It is about our payments, mortgages, banking, other forms of savings and pensions. It is also about Norway’s sovereign wealth fund, the shares ...
This elective course offers participation in a moot court, a teaching component focused on the preparation of written and oral submissions before a court or tribunal and improvement of the substantive ...
The Marine Insurance law deals with the rules and regulations regarding marine insurance. The course is purely contract law, and includes the Nordic Marine Insurance Plan 2013 , Conditions relating to ...
This course is designed to introduce master students to interdisciplinary perspectives on the medieval history of Northern Europe with a particular focus on Scandinavia and the North Sea world in the ...
Decision-making in the healthcare sector often involves selecting from a set of alternatives. For example, healthcare providers face discrete choices when deciding which diagnostic test to conduct, ...
Societies must transform to reduce their dependence on carbon-based energy sources and protect the environment. Such transitions must be just to reduce social and geographical inequality on both ...